If you recall, in Sparse Coding, we wanted to learn an over-complete basis for the data. In particular, this implies that the basis vectors that we learn in sparse coding will not be linearly independent. While this may be desirable in certain situations, sometimes we want to learn a linearly independent basis for the data. In independent component analysis (ICA), this is exactly what we want to do. Further, in ICA, we want to learn not just any linearly independent basis, but an orthonormal basis for the data. (An orthonormal basis is a basis
Like sparse coding, independent component analysis has a simple mathematical formulation. Given some data
This objective function is equivalent to the sparsity penalty on the features
As is usually the case in deep learning, this problem has no simple analytic solution, and to make matters worse, the orthonormality constraint makes it slightly more difficult to optimize for the objective using gradient descent - every iteration of gradient descent must be followed by a step that maps the new basis back to the space of orthonormal bases (hence enforcing the constraint).
In practice, optimizing for the objective function while enforcing the orthonormality constraint (as described in the section below) is feasible but slow. Hence, the use of orthonormal ICA is limited to situations where it is important to obtain an orthonormal basis.
Orthonormal ICA
The orthonormal ICA objective is:
Observe that the constraint
Firstly, since we are learning an orthonormal basis, the number of basis vectors we learn must be less than the dimension of the input. In particular, this means that we cannot learn over-complete bases as we usually do in [[Sparse Coding: Autoencoder Interpretation | sparse coding]].
Secondly, the data must be ZCA whitened with no regularization (that is, with
Hence, before we even begin to optimize for the orthonormal ICA objective, we must ensure that our data has been whitened, and that we are learning an under-complete basis.
Following that, to optimize for the objective, we can use gradient descent, interspersing gradient descent steps with projection steps to enforce the orthonormality constraint. Hence, the procedure will be as follows:
Repeat until done:
W \leftarrow W - \alpha \nabla_W \lVert Wx \rVert_1 W \leftarrow \operatorname{proj}_U W whereU is the space of matrices satisfyingWW^T = I
In practice, the learning rate TODO
: explain how it is like ZCA whitening).